Dr. Eric Berg Reviews - Honest 56 Customer Reviews on Drberg.com (2025)

Dr. Eric Berg Overview

Is Dr. Berg a quack?

Consumers who want to know if Dr. Berg is a quack or legit seems to associate him with Scientology, and potential customer is critics of Dr berg’s Wikipedia, family photos, son Ian, and wife Karen, and even checking if Dr. Berg is alive or died.

99consumer’s editorial team has done an in-depth analysis to present the facts.

Many health and wellness programs promise exemplary results for weight loss and longevity, but very few of them work.

Dr. Eric Berg, a “chiropractor,” offers one such weight loss program. Dr. Berg runs his website drberg.com and sells various nutrition memberships along with supplements.

The “so-called” health expert claims to treat people with complex medical conditions most effectively. However, the online reviews tell a completely different story. Among a few positive feedback, there are plenty of accusations against the doctor’s health consultation.

Therefore, we bring a detailed and unbiased review of Dr. Eric Berg to help you make the right decision.

Who is Dr. Eric Berg?

Dr. Eric Berg is a 54-year-old chiropractor expert in health and nourishment completed his degree in Chiropractic in 1988 from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.

He is an expert in health and nutrition, specializing in Keto™, along with intermittent fasting. With an experience of around 30 years, the doctor has helped thousands of clients to lose weight through proper wellness training and healthy eating.

After leaving his job as a full-time practitioner in Alexandria, Dr. Eric now operates his website and shares YouTube videos about health and wellness. He enjoys over 400 million views on YouTube. Plus, he also has more than 3 million subscribers.

His videos often talk about the easy ways to maintain good health. In addition, he keeps breaking complex health topics into simple terms.

Dr. Eric Berg Supplements

The Eric Berg website features many products that aren’t limited to supplements. On the contrary, dr. Berg has a vast collection of beauty products, powders, digital programs, and whatnot.

Some of the bestselling supplements include:

  • Adrenal & Cortisol Support – This supplement helps release stress and relaxes the nerves by offering support to the adrenal glands using essential nutrients.
  • Advanced Digestive Formula – Formulated with peppermint, ginger, and other natural products that help maintain healthy digestion, this supplement uses natural acidifiers that reduce bloating and other digestion-related problems.
  • Back-Cleanse – This one is for boosting the immune system. Consisting of six phytonutrient-rich herbal extracts and other ingredients, it fights inflammation caused by harmful bacteria. The supplement supports the body’s microbial balance.
  • Blood Sugar Support Advanced Formula –Helps boost body energy levels and reduces cravings for sweet food. The supplement enhances metabolism by furthering natural blood sugar levels to the optimum level.

There are many other supplements and products such as Aromatherapy Sleep Lotion, Hair Formula, and more. You can visit the Dr. Eric Berg website to check the products.

Dr. Eric Berg Books and Achievements

With quite some followers to his name, Dr. Eric Berg often involves himself with various seminars and meetings. In 2019, the doctor hosted Keto Health Summit, organized annually in Washington, D.C.

He has also published many books on Keto recipes and wellness plans. Some of the books are “The 7 Principles of Fat Burning and The Healthy Keto Plan”, “Healthy Fat Burning Recipes – Digital Ebook,” “Ketogenic Desserts – Digital Ebook,” and others.

He has been featured in magazines such as Woman’s World in 2019. And you can also find him on TV talk shows and radio channels. Plus, he has also trained thousands of health professionals with his courses.

Dr. Berg Reviews

Well, there are mixed reviews on the internet about dr. Eric Berg. Some are very disappointing as well. And others concern with serious allegations.

His Body Response Technique, Contact Reflex Analysis, and others are unsustainable. Hence, these have raised the brows of the Virginia Board of Medicine.

Another treatment, known as “adrenal fatigue,” has also received many negative reviews. This term, according to the endocrinology society, is something that does not exist in the first place.

In addition, users claim that dr. Eric Berg’s diet plans are beyond restrictive and seem entirely unnecessary. Plus, his weight loss theory is based on the hormone body type, which appears ineffective to many.

Not just that. Dr eric berg’s website sells supplements with no proven records or accreditations. For instance, his adrenal body type package wastes effort, time, and money. These packages also attack patients emotionally, unable to provide what’s promised.

Is Dr. Berg Legit?

Dr. Eric Berg has a professional degree from a renowned university, and he has experience of over 30 years. However, the claims he makes have no grounds. Most of his products are ineffective and fail to provide the results as claimed.

In addition, his weight loss theory isn’t something new. Cutting on carbohydrates with such massive restrictions only makes the overall routine unsustainable and impractical.

Hence, you must do your due diligence before investing your money in Dr. Eric Berg’s products and health advice.

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Dr. Eric Berg Reviews - Honest 56 Customer Reviews on Drberg.com (2025)


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